Webhooks (for Platform Model)
Learn how webhooks work with KOMOJU Platform Model
As a Platform Merchant, you can subscribe to various webhook events for better management.
To set up webhooks with KOMOJU, refer to this guide . Below are the events available for Platform Merchants to subscribe to:
(1) Events triggered for the Platform Merchant account
- The
value represents the Platform Merchant's name.
Event | Description |
ping | The ping event. Used for testing. |
payment.authorized | A payment of the Platform Merchant has been authorized. |
payment.captured | A payment of the Platform Merchant has been captured. |
payment.updated | A payment of the Platform Merchant has been updated. |
payment.expired | A payment of the Platform Merchant has expired. |
payment.cancelled | A payment of the Platform Merchant has been cancelled. |
payment.refund.created | A refund of the Platform Merchant has been created. |
payment.refunded | A refund of the Platform Merchant has been refunded. |
refund_request.updated | A refund request of the Platform Merchant has been updated. |
payment.failed | A payment of the Platform Merchant has failed. |
payment.marked.as.fraud | A payment of the Platform Merchant was marked as fraudulent. |
settlement.created | A settlement to the Platform Merchant has been created. |
(2) Events triggered for a sub-merchant account
- The
value represents a sub-merchant name.
Event | Description |
submerchant.application.accepted | A sub-merchant's merchant application has been accepted. |
submerchant.application.declined | A sub-merchant's merchant application has been declined. |
submerchant.payment_method_application.accepted | A sub-merchant's payment method application has been accepted. |
submerchant.payment_method_application.declined | A sub-merchant's payment method application has been declined. |
submerchant.payment.authorized | A payment of a sub-merchant has been authorized. |
submerchant.payment.captured | A payment of a sub-merchant has been captured. |
submerchant.payment.updated | A payment of a sub-merchant has been updated. |
submerchant.payment.expired | A payment of a sub-merchant has expired. |
submerchant.payment.cancelled | A payment of a sub-merchant has been cancelled. |
submerchant.payment.refund.created | A refund of a sub-merchant has been created. |
submerchant.payment.refunded | A refund of a sub-merchant has been refunded. |
submerchant.refund_request.updated | A refund request of a sub-merchant has been updated. |
submerchant.payment.failed | A payment of a sub-merchant has failed. |
submerchant.payment.marked.as.fraud | A payment of a sub-merchant was marked as fraudulent. |
submerchant.settlement.created | A settlement to a sub-merchant has been created. |
Example Delivery
"id": "6h49xdt2jmiq55ffigjz4g5da",
"type": "submerchant.payment.updated",
"resource": "event",
"data": {
"id": "7p2sohh26a30zs6jp80sla3bw",
"resource": "payment",
"status": "captured",
"amount": 5000,
"tax": 0,
"customer": null,
"payment_deadline": "2024-02-10T14:59:59Z",
"payment_details": {
"type": "credit_card",
"email": "test@example.com",
"brand": "visa",
"last_four_digits": "1111",
"month": 1,
"year": 2025
"payment_method_fee": 0,
"total": 5000,
"currency": "JPY",
"description": null,
"captured_at": "2024-02-08T08:27:31Z",
"external_order_num": null,
"metadata": {},
"created_at": "2024-02-08T08:27:31Z",
"amount_refunded": 0,
"locale": "ja",
"session": null,
"customer_family_name": null,
"customer_given_name": null,
"platform_details": [
"submerchant_id": "platform-test-seller",
"amount": 3000,
"platform_fee": 2000,
"intermediary": false
"mcc": null,
"statement_descriptor": null,
"refunds": [],
"refund_requests": []
"created_at": "2024-02-08T08:27:31Z",
"reason": null,
"submerchant_id": "platform-test-seller"
Updated 4 months ago