Onboard Accounts

Overview of onboarding yourself and your sellers on KOMOJU

Platform Use Case onboarding

For the Platform Use Case, the account setup is as follows:

  • You: "Platform Merchant (Platform Business)" account
  • Your seller: "Seller Merchant" account

Steps to onboard:

  1. Contact our Account Manager or submit an inquiry via inquiry form to request Platform Merchant (Platform Business) credentials. Once received, log into the KOMOJU dashboard and access the "Test" environment.
  2. Integrate KOMOJU APIs and create test Seller Merchant accounts under your account. Then, run mock payments between your account and Seller Merchant account to ensure functionality.
  3. When ready for live operations, start the Live Application for your Platform Merchant (Platform Business) account through KOMOJU's dashboard.
  4. After your live application is approved, create real Seller Merchant accounts through the APIs in the "Live" environment.
  5. Once the Seller Merchant account gets approved, you can start processing real payments between you and your seller.

Learn more:

Marketplace Use Case onboarding

For the Marketplace Use Case, the account setup is as follows:

  • You: "Platform Merchant (Marketplace Business)" account
  • Your seller: "Payout Merchant" account

Steps to onboard:

  1. Contact our Account Manager or submit an inquiry via inquiry form to request Platform Merchant (Marketplace Business) credentials. Once received, log into the KOMOJU dashboard and access the "Test" environment.
  2. Integrate KOMOJU APIs and create test Payout Merchant accounts under your account. Then, run mock payments between your account and Payout Merchant account to ensure functionality.
  3. When ready for live operations, start the Live Application for your Platform Merchant (Marketplace Business) account through KOMOJU's dashboard.
  4. After your live application is approved, create real Payout Merchant accounts through the APIs in the "Live" environment.
  5. Once the Payout Merchant account gets approved, you can start processing real payments between you and your seller.

Learn more: