
Meeting the payment processing needs of Platforms and Marketplaces

The KOMOJU Platform Model is designed to support both Platforms and Marketplaces by facilitating payment processing between them and their sellers/users.


Alpha version

The KOMOJU Platform Model is currently in its alpha phase. Expect ongoing updates, improvements, and adjustments in the near future.

Business Case

Before adopting the KOMOJU Platform Model, it’s crucial to determine which business case best applies to your operations. The Platform Model supports two primary business types: Platform Business and Marketplace Business. Below are brief definitions of each:

  1. Platform Business: If your business connects buyers with sellers and empowers the sellers to directly accept online payments from customers, you likely fall under the Platform Use Case. (Examples: Shopify, WooCommerce...etc)
  2. Marketplace Business: If your business overseas the entire checkout journey and accepts online payments from customers directly on behalf of your sellers, you likely fall under the Marketplace Use Case. (Examples: Airbnb, Uber...etc)

For further details on which use case applies to you, visit the Business Case page.

Learn more:

  1. Business Case
  2. Platform Use Case
  3. Marketplace Use Case

Onboarding Accounts

Platform Use Case

For the Platform Use Case, the account setup is as follows:

  • You: "Platform Merchant (Platform Business)" account
  • Your seller: "Seller Merchant" account

Steps to onboard:

  1. Contact our Account Manager or submit an inquiry via inquiry form to request Platform Merchant (Platform Business) credentials. Once received, log into the KOMOJU dashboard and access the "Test" environment.
  2. Integrate KOMOJU APIs and create test Seller Merchant accounts under your account. Then, run mock payments between your account and Seller Merchant account to ensure functionality.
  3. When ready for live operations, start the Live Application for your Platform Merchant (Platform Business) account through KOMOJU's dashboard.
  4. After your live application is approved, create real Seller Merchant accounts through the APIs in the "Live" environment.
  5. Once the Seller Merchant account gets approved, you can start processing real payments between you and your seller.

Learn more:

Marketplace Use Case

For the Marketplace Use Case, the account setup is as follows:

  • You: "Platform Merchant (Marketplace Business)" account
  • Your seller: "Payout Merchant" account

Steps to onboard:

  1. Contact our Account Manager or submit an inquiry via inquiry form to request Platform Merchant (Marketplace Business) credentials. Once received, log into the KOMOJU dashboard and access the "Test" environment.
  2. Integrate KOMOJU APIs and create test Payout Merchant accounts under your account. Then, run mock payments between your account and Payout Merchant account to ensure functionality.
  3. When ready for live operations, start the Live Application for your Platform Merchant (Marketplace Business) account through KOMOJU's dashboard.
  4. After your live application is approved, create real Payout Merchant accounts through the APIs in the "Live" environment.
  5. Once the Payout Merchant account gets approved, you can start processing real payments between you and your seller.

Learn more:

Processing Payments

Once you and your sellers (either Seller Merchant or Payout Merchant) are successfully onboarded, you can begin processing payments through KOMOJU's API or Dashboard. Below is a summary of available actions:

Create a PaymentOX
Two-step CaptureOX
Cancel a PaymentOO
Create a Reverse RefundOO
Create a Reverse Refund RequestOO
Create a Non-Reverse RefundOX
Create a Non-Reverse Refund RequestOX

(1) For the Platform Use Case, payments are processed using the Seller Processing Model, where the Seller Merchant is the Processing Merchant.

Learn more:

(2) For the Marketplace Use Case, payments are processed using the Platform Processing Model, where the Platform Merchant is the Processing Merchant.

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Balance Transfers

Only the Platform Merchant can initiate balance transfers through the KOMOJU API. Transfers can be made:

  • From the Platform Merchant to a sub-merchant
  • From a sub-merchant to the Platform Merchant

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As a Platform Merchant, you can configure the Payout Frequency and Minimum Settlement Amount of your account and your sub-merchant's account respectively. Payouts can be scheduled weekly or monthly.

KOMOJU will handle settlement to your bank account and your sub-merchants' bank accounts based on these settings, eliminating the need for you to build your own payout system.

Learn more:

Managing Accounts

As a Platform Merchant, you have full access to manage your account and your sub-merchants’ accounts via the KOMOJU API or Dashboard. Sub-merchants, however, cannot access these tools directly, giving you control over the information shared with them for the best use experience.

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As a Platform Merchant, you can subscribe to various events via webhooks to streamline management.

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