Stored Credential Compliance

How to increase auth rates when using stored credit cards.

This document outlines an extension to our payments API that can help reduce decline rates for card-on-file and subscription payments. We will go over a few API fields that can help us and the issuer understand the nature of stored card usage in cases where 3DS cannot be performed.

API Inputs

There are four API fields that comprise our stored credential compliance feature.

Field nameTypeDescription
initiatorenumWho initiated the payment. This can be customer or merchant. The default value if unset is customer.
intentenumThe nature of the payment. This can be one_time, card_on_file, subscription, or installment. The default value if unset is one_time.
usageenumUsed to determine whether or not this is the first in a chain of payments. Permitted values are first or used. This field is only useful for customer-initiated transactions that are not one-time.
scheme_referencestringA special ID that's used to understand which payments are related to one another. A scheme_reference can be retrieved by creating a customer-initiated payment. Then, you can pass it back when creating the next payment to create a chain.

The following table details the set of valid combinations of stored credentials inputs you can supply. We do not guarantee the behavior of any combinations not listed below.

ScenarioInitiatorIntentUsage3DSCVVScenarioScheme Reference
# 1customerone_time-YesYesA one time payment, such as a checkout of e-commerce or other one-off payment. These payments are often 3DS verified and have a CVV. This is the default if you do not specify any stored credential compliance parameters.No
# 2customercard_on_filefirstYesYesFirst interaction with the customer when collecting payment details and storing them for later usage.No
# 3customersubscriptionfirstYesYesFirst interaction with the customer when collecting payment details and storing them for later usage for the purpose of a subscription.No
# 4customerinstallmentfirstYesYesFirst interaction with the customer when collecting payment details and storing them for later usage for the purpose of an installment plan.No
# 5customercard_on_fileusedNoNoN-th interaction when customer lands on the page and re-uses the stored card credentials previously kept on file in scenario #2.Yes
# 6merchantcard_on_file-NoNoMerchant charges the card on file from scenario #2 without the consumer being present during the transaction.Yes
# 7merchantsubscription-NoNoMerchant charges the card on file from scenario #3 without the consumer being present during the transaction in connection to a subscription.Yes
# 8merchantinstallment-NoNoMerchant charges the card on file from scenario #4 without the consumer being present during the transaction in connection to a installment plan.Yes

About Scheme Reference

The scheme reference is an identifier connected to a single customer's chain of payments. The value is returned from payment API endpoints in the payment_details object as scheme_reference. You should save this value along with the customer's payments details to send in subsequent requests.


The scheme reference may change after subsequent payments so please keep your stored payment details up to date by saving the returned scheme reference after each payment


Let's say that your service provides a subscription plan where the customer is charged a static amount once per month. For the initial payment, your customer will input their payment details on your service's UI and submit the form. Your service would then follow the steps in 3D Secure Without a Session to create a 3DS authenticated payment with the following stored credential values in the payment details.

payment #1

InitiatorIntentUsageScheme Reference

If the payment is successful, it will have a scheme reference in its response. You can now save the scheme reference along with the customer's payment details in your system.

At the next scheduled payment, your system will reuse the stored payment details without the customer being involved directly. In this case, you can make a request to Payment: Create with the following stored credential values.

payment #2

InitiatorIntentUsageScheme Reference
merchantsubscription-{scheme reference from payment #1}

The scheme reference may change so be sure to update your stored payment details with the new value from the response.

All subsequent payments will be similar to payment #2 except supplying the scheme reference from the previous payment's response.

payment #N

InitiatorIntentUsageScheme Reference
merchantsubscription-{scheme reference from payment #N-1}