Balance Transfer

Transfer balance between you and your sub-merchant

Create a Balance Transfer

(1) Setup

As a Platform Merchant, you can initiate a balance transfer to move funds between your account and a sub-merchant's account. Transfers can be made from your balance to the sub-merchant's balance, or vice versa.

Note: The available balance must be equal to or greater than the transfer amount, or the request will fail.

(2) Fund flow logic

Case 1: Transfer from Platform Merchant to a Sub-merchant

Request Balance: Transfer API to initiate a balance transfer from you to a sub-merchant.

curl \
-u degica-mart-test: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "to": "seller_merchant_id",
    "amount": 300

Fund flow illustration:

Balance Transfer - From Platform Merchant to Sub-merchant

Case 2: Transfer from a Sub-merchant to Platform Merchant

Request Balance: Transfer API to initiate a balance transfer from a sub-merchant to you.

curl{merchant_id}/balances/{currency}/transfer \
-u degica-mart-test: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "to": "platform_merchant_id",
    "amount": 300

Fund flow illustration:

Balance Transfer - From Sub-merchant to Platform Merchant

Summary of transaction record types

The following transaction records are generated from the actions described above:

Record typeDescriptionDeposit/Debit
Balance TransferTransfer of account balance between you and your sub-merchantCan be credit or debit, depending on who is the beneficiary