How errors are reported in the KOMOJU API
KOMOJU uses HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. Below are the the following status codes you can expect to see.
Code | Description |
200 OK | The server successfully processed the request |
202 Accepted | The resource is successfully created but the process is not finished |
204 No Content | The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content. |
401 Not Authorized | API key provided was invalid or missing |
403 Forbidden | API key provided doesn’t have permission to access specified resource |
404 Not Found | Resource not found |
422 Unprocessible Entity | Missing or invalid parameters |
500 Internal Server Error | Something went wrong on our side |
502 Bad Gateway | Upstream payment processor returned an error |
503 Service Unavailable | Server maintenance |
JSON Error Object
Errors are returned in JSON format. A code
and message
parameter are returned for each error message.
Parameter | Type | Description |
message | string | a string describing the error message |
code | string | error code |
param | string | parameter having the validation error |
"error": {
"message": "A required parameter (amount) is missing",
"code": "missing_parameter",
"param": "amount"
Error Codes
Here are the possible error codes that will show up in the above code
Error Code | HTTP Status | Example Message |
bad_request | 400 | The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error |
unauthorized | 401 | User authorization failed |
not_found | 404 | The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future |
internal_server_error | 500 | Something went wrong on our side. We're automatically notified of these and try to fix them ASAP |
forbidden | 403 | You are not authorized to perform that action |
unprocessable_entity | 422 | The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors |
bad_gateway | 502 | We are unable to process your request due to an invalid response from the upstream server |
gateway_timeout | 504 | When attempting to process your payment, we encountered a gateway timeout. Fear not, we have not processed the payment. Please try your payment again |
service_unavailable | 503 | The server is down for maintenance. Please try again later. |
request_failed | 402 | The request failed |
invalid_version | 422 | The specified API version is invalid |
invalid_payment_type | 422 | Payment method was invalid. "credit_card" is not one of "konbini", "paypay" |
invalid_token | 422 | The token you requested is invalid |
invalid_currency | 422 | The currency you requested is invalid |
not_refundable | 422 | The payment you requested is not refundable |
not_capturable | 422 | The payment you requested is not capturable |
not_cancellable | 422 | This payment is noncancellable |
fraudulent | 422 | This payment is fraudulent |
invalid_parameter | 422 | The value of amount is invalid |
missing_parameter | 422 | A required parameter (amount) is missing |
insufficient_funds | 502 | Insufficient funds |
used_number | 502 | Used number |
card_declined | 502 | Card declined |
invalid_password | 502 | Invalid password |
bad_verification_value | 502 | Bad verification value |
exceeds_limit | 502 | Exceeds limit |
card_expired | 502 | Card expired |
invalid_number | 502 | The number you requested is invalid |
invalid_account | 502 | Invalid account |
restricted_account | 502 | Restricted account |
other_error | 502 | Other error |
invalid_user_key | 502 | Invalid user key |
other_invalid | 502 | Invalid card |
Updated 8 months ago